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  • Writer's pictureLisa Brandreth

Your Comfort Zone is Safe, Yes, But You're Capable of So Much More

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

“A ship is safe in a harbor, but that’s not what it was built for.” - John A. Shedd

When we think of a ship, we think of incredible destinations, and for some people, getting onto a ship knowing it will be exposed to elements is daunting. However, in order to get there, they have to do it.

It’s easy to stay in our comfort zones. It’s easy to stay with what we know. It’s easy to never step out and aim higher. And yes, of course, it’s safe, that’s why we like it, but we could do so much more if we just stepped out.

The possibilities of the incredible places life could take you are endless.

You are not made to just stay where it’s comfortable. You are not just meant to just go with the wind hoping it doesn’t fling you into something you merely settle for. You are fully capable of pursuing the things that really matter to you.

Your biggest dreams and greatest aspirations are there for a reason. It’s a culmination of your DNA, struggles, and most amazing experiences you have had. It’s unique to you, as is your journey.

I get it, though. What if you fail? What if you never get something back because you gave it up? What if, What if, what if. Don't get me wrong, there’s definitely the chance that you fail, but when is that not a possibility even in the slightest form?

Just because you feel more comfortable, doesn’t mean there is no risk. You may as well take a risk with what actually matters to you.

Incredible destinations sometimes first requires storms

To see some of the most breathtaking views, sometimes you have to travel through storms. And perhaps you may have doubts about whether you’ll make it or not.

In fact, some of the most challenging times will have you questioning yourself about why you ever wanted to start that thing in the first place.

However, to get to the best things in life, you sometimes have to take risks.

This could not be more true in my life. Moving to a new country is by far one of the most difficult things I have ever done, but it’s filled my life with so much fruit and growth, I don't regret it for one second. However, in order to get here, I had to take the risk despite the fear of the unknown. Yes, I was excited, but I had no idea what it would be like or in which direction my life would go.

We all feel so daunted by this idea of risk, but when you simplify it, do you know what the craziest thing about taking risks is? There are only two options if you take it: either, you fail but learn, or you absolutely kill it and you succeed. That’s it.

Once you can decrease how uncomfortable the idea of taking a risk sounds in your mind, the easier it will be to surprise yourself and make it further than you could have imagined.

Yes, your comfort zone is safe, but you were made for so much more than that. There is no reason why you can’t reach the greatest heights if you hunker down and set your mind to it.

By the way, you don't always even have to have the full plan. Sometimes you get to learn and plan as you go.

If it’s fear of the fear of failure stopping you, you better get comfortable with failing because unfortunately, before you succeed, you have to fail. If something is easy to get, it will be easy to lose. Failing is how we grow and develop all the things we need to be successful.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

– T. S. Eliot

What Does a Ship Need?

Let’s bring that ship back. For one, you need to have the ship, and that, my gem, is you.

Next, you need a captain who understands sea navigation and safety better than you think you do. This is something greater than you, and for me, it’s God.

You then need a crew. It is their job to support the ship in everything it does. This crew is everyone who stands behind you and supports you with love and strength. When we take risks, it’s never just us setting sail by ourselves. Consider the people who have had the most influence on your success and growth. You could not have done it alone.

Believe it or not, this very well starts with the people who changed your diaper when you were a baby. Your success will never be just because of you. You didn’t do it on your own, and you can’t live life as if you did. It’s all the small things that have happened over the years that define you and guide you to success so long as you choose that option.

You know, it might have even been that person who on the day you were having doubts and self-deprecating thoughts reminded you why you are more than capable.

We are all so scared of failing, but wouldn't it be worse to at the end of your life regret not doing the things you actually wanted to? Maybe we should fear not getting to the things we are truly passionate about.


1. Take risks. You either win or learn.

2. Don’t forget the people who helped you on the way, it wasn't just you.

If you're having a hard time keeping up with everything going on, READ THIS.


Thank you for spending these few minutes with me today. If this resonated with you, please share it and subscribe if you haven't already. Or hey, even contact me and let me know. I'd enjoy hearing from you. You're a gem! You will never know what you are capable of until you try.

Broken to Beautiful. Where Your Pain Becomes Your Power.

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