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Creating a community of empowered women through healing and intentional living.

Through candidness, show nobody is alone in their hurt and struggles of life, and challenge readers to intentionally pursue the life they want to live. 

God, grace, and intentionality.



No matter how well we hide it on the outside, if we're being honest, we are all struggling with something internally.


Life can be incredible but it can be equally as cold and dark. Unfortunately, nor you or I are immune to moments like that, but it's in those moments that our trajectory is defined.


We can either cave and give up or fight with everything we have left to remind ourselves that even though it's hard, every season, good and bad always has an end. 

I have had plenty of moments in which I've felt empty, broken and unfixable, and let's not forget the countless feelings of panic-striking overwhelm and anxiety. Yet, even in my darkest moment of not caring if I made it to the next day or not, very deep down there was a faint memory of care within me and it's because of people in my corner heling me remember the truths I can sometimes forget.


The only way you make it in this life is by having your people around you, making the best decisions you know how to and believing in something greater than yourself because heck, if you fall, I sure hope there's someone bigger than you to pick you up again, because that hole can be way too deep for another person to reach in.

I've done a lot of healing and there's still more to be done but I've seen the fruit that can come from doing everything you can to work hard, push yourself to be better and never settle. In finding beauty in my brokenness, I've made it my mission to help others find the beauty in theirs and transform their pain into their greatest power.

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