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  • Writer's pictureLisa Brandreth

3 Things to Self-Empowerment

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

In light of Women’s History Month in the US, and International Women’s Day coming up, let’s talk about the foundation of self-empowerment.

When we take a look at history, we can clearly see that women were often put into a box where there were certain expectations to meet. It is no different today, the common box is usually what society deems as "having it all together" or "living the perfect life."

The problem is that as soon as we don’t fit in the box, we become tense and insecure about our image. We say self-deprecating things and tear others down just to make ourselves feel better. And we forget our thoughts carry weight... The things we think will become what we believe.

"Speak kindly to yourself, building yourself up like you would your daughter." - Lisa V. Brandreth
Know Your Worth. Set Boundaries. Mind Your Business.

1. Know your worth

When you know your worth and where it comes from, nobody around you can make you question it. This confidence will give you the courage to go right when everyone else is going left. And it will prevent you from questioning yourself or being scared of what others might think of you. READ: Build Healthy confidence.

2. Set boundaries

Boundaries are there to protect you. They protect your energy. They protect your body and they protect your mind. Best of all, they give you the confidence to know when you’re putting up with too much or taking on too much. As an extension, they give you the courage to do something about it. Boundaries are there to help maintain your balance. READ: 2 Things to Protect in 2021

3. Mind your business

Everyone is on their own journey, and the more you focus on what others are doing or not doing, the less you’ll be able to focus on what you're doing.

Don't be afraid to break out of the box. Nobody can tell you where you should be in life right now and you can't worry about what they think either.

Focus on your goals (because I know you have them ;)) and keep working towards them. “Successful people never worry about what others are doing.”


Nobody can put you in a box unless you allow them to. Keep your standards high, but realize you don't have to fit anyone else's blueprint for your life.

Thank you for spending this time with me. What are some things you might add to this list? Let me know in the comments below. Here's to celebrating women. You're a gem!


Broken to Beautiful You. Where Your Pain Becomes Your Power.

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