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  • Writer's pictureLisa Brandreth

Feeling Lonely this Valentine's?

Updated: Oct 2, 2021

Couples are everywhere these days, and it’s far too easy to believe that being in a relationship is the ultimate standard when it’s not...

Just because you might not be in a relationship does not mean that you are alone. And being in a relationship does not mean that you never feel lonely either.

When we begin to let go of the desperate urge to have a romantic partner in our lives, we’ll see it’s not as burning of a desire anymore.

I’m no expert, but I do know what it’s like to grow up with a gap for a fatherly figure. And there was a time I wanted to fill that gap with everything in my being. It's a natural pull, but it’s actually not that simple.

That piercing urge to fill a heart gap of that size is not something we can ever do with a person. We could pretend, and it might work for a while, but not much longer than that.

We must first learn to live contently with who we are in the times when we feel most alone and then, just maybe then, we’ll be ready for a fruitful relationship instead of falling into one out of our desperation.

Here's the thing, for as long as knowing you are single makes you feel uncomfortable, chances are, you are not ready for a relationship. And if you happen to be in a relationship, but the thought of not being in one makes you feel uncomfortable, you probably have some work to do too.

Here’s how:
Just Because You Feel Alone, Doesn't Mean You are

1. Better your relationship with God

There are depts to who you are that only He can reach. He did make you after all.

2. Spend quality time with yourself

Journal, dive into introspective questions and be honest about the answers. Here's a FREE 31-Day Plan to get to know yourself better.

3. Fill your life with good people

You won't miss anything else too easily when you have the right people around you.

4. Embrace the discomfort

When you feel the discomfort of being alone, don’t shy away from it. Rather, gently nudge yourself into actually thinking through it logically.

5. Try some new hobbies

You might find a new favorite hobby… And you might even meet your person that way. It's definitely not impossible ;).

6. Work on yourself and your goals

When you’re busy working on yourself, you won’t have time to dwell on what you might not yet have. And one day you’ll look up to find it right in front of you. Get into the Mindset to Succeed.

7. Take yourself on a date, seriously

It's a whole new level of growth. Here’s my experience of how that went.


Thank you for spending these couple of minutes with me. Remember, you have no reason to feel alone this Valentine's day. You're an absolute gem and you don't need someone else to tell you that.

Broken to Beautiful You. Where Your Pain Becomes Your Power.

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