Lisa Brandreth

Jul 30, 20212 min

Different Corners, Same Room

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

Nobody talks about the bad days. Nobody talks about the mistakes. Nobody talks about the failures. Nobody talks about anything that could possibly damage the perfect picture that they have framed about their life.

So what do we do instead? As our own biggest art critics, we curate our Instagram pages, our profiles, and even conversations we have, pretending everything’s okay.

The problem with this is that when we hit a low point and are scrolling through everyone else’s highs, we forget that behind the screen they have lows as well. In forgetting this, we all go to what feels like our own dark lonely corner, never realizing we may be in the same room.

It’s become taboo to talk about the things we go through or struggle with, and definitely all the ways God has come through for us.

We struggle alone, not realizing others are struggling too.

Adventist Young Professionals (AYP) recognized this gap and sought to do something about it. A new devotional book, The God I Used to Know covers stories from across the globe.

It was written by young people for young people with the intention of reminding readers that we all experience difficulties, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t still the loving and powerful Father He was when we first met Him.

Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” If anything has changed, it’s us...

I can’t begin to explain how blessed I was to read the stories in this book. They are real and written straight from the heart. If you’re looking for a way to get back to God or just a reminder that He’s still working for you, this is it!

And if you’ve never heard of AYP, it’s a non-profit organization with the mission to connect, engage, and equip young professionals in their personal, spiritual, and professional journeys. Integrating work and life together in Christ is the focus of the organization.

As many of you know, my blog is all about self-improvement, but sometimes we forget that self-improvement covers every aspect of life, not just the physical, emotional or relational aspects, but the spiritual as well. Let’s work on our relationship with our Father… And, in my humble opinion as a fledgling self-improvement blogger, I can think of no better way to do that, than with this book.

Thank you for sharing this time with me. I’m thrilled to have you here, especially if this is your first time! If you’re interested in self-improvement and emotional healing, this is the place for you. Check out some of my other posts and wait... Maybe even subscribe!

Let’s be better together. You’re a gem, don’t you forget it!

Ps. If you're looking for a community of young adults who will sharpen you, become a member of AYP HERE or join them on Facebook HERE!
